I got this list from www.bsn.com/puspanita and try to check anything yg lum beli lagi...
- Bath Towel
- Towel kecil (alas susu)
- Baby Shower Foam
- Baby Cologne - update 12/5
- Baby powder
- Baby oil - update 12/5
- Vicks - update 12/5
- Minyak telon - update 12/5
- Baby Diaper Rash Cream - nanti ambil dr hospital
- Baby Comb
- Baby manicure set
- Nose Cleaner
- Ear Pick - perlu ke?
- Baby Temperature Detect - detect pakai tangan sendiri je lah
- Cotton Balls - nanti amek kat hospital
- Cotton Bud
- Baby Wet Wipes
- Drypers New Born - update 12/5
- Tissue Kotak
- Liquid Detergent
- Bottles & Nipples Liquid Cleanser
- Baby Toiletries Box - perlu ke box khas utk toiletries?
- Baby Clothes Box - update 12/5
- Baby Bath Tub
- Baby Bath Mat - nanti lah beli
- Baby Change Mat
- Bakul Baju Kotor - ni pun perlu special utk baby ke?
- Gayung - pakai gayung yg dah ada
- Baby Hanger - hang pakai ape2 hanger je
- Nappy Hanger - ni nanti beli bila balik kuching semula
- Bengkung
- Lampin (Bedung baby)
- Long Sleeve Shirt + Trousers
- Short Sleeve Shirt + Trousers
- Booties + Mittens
- Cap
- Baby Bib
- 9 ounces bottle
- 4 ounces bottle
- Nipples
- Breast Pump
- Cooler Bag
- Bottle brush & nipple brush
- Bottle sterilizer/steamer
- Tilam
- Pillow set (1 pillow + 2 booster)
- Comforter
- Hooded Blanket
- Mosquito Net - update 12/5
- Air Selusuh
- Jamu-jamu 1 set
- Batu tungku
- Maternity pad
- Breast pad
- Socks
- Bengkung
Additional Items:
- Baby Cot
- Stroller - x perlu lagi
- Car Seat
- Bouncer
- Walker - lambat lg nak jalan
hospital bag for my baby
zura, aku yg nnti rembat akak aku punye je..hohohoho.
semoga selamat melahirkan nnti..
bestnye ko kemar. aku ngan hubby dedua anak sulung maaa... x leh nak rembat sesape. harap adik2 yg sponsor lak..
zuera, misti ko x sabar sgt kan? trust me, it'll be a wonderful journey
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