Saturday, August 16, 2008

new comer

16th first day becoming a blogger. Today is so meaningful to me...when i flashed back to 13 years is a day i became a shameful when i think about it...

tonight i will have bbq with my family at ibu & ayah's house (my uncle actually)... to celebrAte their menantu birthday and not to forget, celebrating me also...i will transfer to sarawak to follow my lovely hubby...miss u abang....wait for me kay...i think i should contribute something and tarra...presenting my delicious chocolate cake...sedap tau...for those yang nak try my it is...

Kek Coklat Kukus

2 cawan tepung gandum cap sauh
1 cawan serbuk koko cap van houten
1 sudu teh sodium bikarbonat
2 biji telur
1 cawan gula kastor
1 cawan minyak jagung
1 cawan susu pekat
1 cawan air suam

  1. ayak tepung, koko & sodium bikarbonat
  2. pukul telur & gula hingga kembang
  3. masukkan minyak, susu pekat & air suam
  4. masukkan adunan yang diayak sedikit demi sedikit
  5. setelah sebati, masukkan dalam loyang dan kukus selama 45 minit hingga 1 jam

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